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I believe in treating the patient as an individual rather than treating an injury or medical issue in isolation. Developing a good patient/practitioner partnership where the patient takes an active role in their recovery is crucial.  In order to best achieve this I ask my patients to participate in one or more of each of the following types of appointments:

Video/Telephone Consultations 

  • Time available to take a detailed case history of your current issue

  • In depth look at your previous medical history

  • Gives you the opportunity to ask questions

  • If Osteopathic treatment isn't suitable for you this can be identified prior to coming into clinic and alternative options can be discussed 

  • Maximises hands on treatment time in first session

  • Suitable for: Patients with complex symptoms or medical history, patients who are unsure Osteopathy is the right treatment for them 

  • Duration: 20 minutes

  • Cost: £25

Physical Therapist

Initial Osteopathic Assessment and Diagnosis

  • ​Detailed case history: symptoms, medical history, aggravating and relieving lifestyle factors (if not already taken in phone consultation)

  • Physical assessment including relevant medical tests as required 

  • Diagnosis and treatment options discussed

  • Treatment plan tailored to your needs

  • Osteopathic treatment  included in the session

  • Suitable for: All patients looking to undergo Osteopathic treatment in clinic

  • Duration: 45 minutes

  • Cost: £57 / £47 With a prior Video/Phone Consult

Osteopathic Treaments and Exericise Advice 

  • Treatment sessions to implement you treatment plan from the Initial consultation

  • Hands on treatment techniques combining: massage, stretching, joint articulation and manipulation

  • Promotes repair and healing in your muscle, joint and connective tissues by removing restrictions in the body and working with the nervous system

  • Tailored exercise programmes and lifestyle advice to assist recovery

  • Suitable for: Patients from young adolescents to elderly, Active sports people or those living sedentary lifestyles, people suffering with any sort of musculoskeletal pain  

  • Duration: 40 minutes

  • Cost: £47

Other Services

After taking your case history and assessing you we may discuss some different treatment options that will best suit your needs to aid recovery. The following treatments may be utilised on a case by case basis:

Head Massage

Cranial Osteopathy

  • Very gentle method of assessing and treating the body using a finely tuned sense of touch

  • The osteopath tunes into a person's "cranial rhythm" this is an involuntary non-visible movement detected when feeling the bones of the skull or other areas of the body

  • The osteopath uses subtle pressure in different areas in order to influence this cranial rhythm and bring the body back into balance

  • Suitable for: Patients suffering with headaches, migraines, sinus issues, patients whose system is too sensitive for conventional osteopathic treatment, patients wanting a more relaxing treatment

  • Duration: 40 minutes

  • Cost: £47

*Unfortunately we cannot treat infants/babies currently but will hopefully be able to in the future

Child Physiotherapy

Kinesiology Taping 

  • K-Tape is elasticated sticky tape that is placed on the skin to assist recovery or aid performance

  • Doesn't compress or restrict a joint and like conventional taping or wearing a brace

  • Stretches with movement in order to assist a better quality of movement

  • Gives more feedback to the brain regarding the position and function of the taped area reducing the chance of further injury 

  • Suitable for: Sports injuries, hypermobile joints, arthritic joints, ligament and tendon sprains and strains

  • Cost: included in treatment price

  • 5-10 minute Taping session prep for an event or race available on request (cost £5)

Back Massage

Perrin Technique

  • The Perrin Technique is a method of treatment developed by Dr Raymond Perrin

  • Uses lymphatic drainage combined with cranial osteopathy and osteopathic techniques

  • Enables better drainage of toxins away from the brain

  • Specific Lifestyle advice centred around pacing, relaxation, nutrition and exercise

  • Suitable for: Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME, Fibromyalgia and long COVID.  , this and in combination with some lifestyle changes has been shown to greatly improve patient’s quality of life

  • Duration : 1st two sessions 1 hour each after that 40 minutes 

  • Cost: £67 for initial 2 sessions £47 after 

Wanting to book an appointment? Book online or contact us directly

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